I try to stay away from political or world commentary posts, mainly because there are far more fervent commentators, who know more about it than me and probably express themselves better as well. I’m very much middle of the road as well, and have an ever growing contempt for the increasingly polarised views of the different political parties, both at home and abroad.
However Covid-19 has made it even more mental and then other world events are pouring fuel to the flames.
In this country we’ve had the omni-shambles of the government dealing with Covid-19, ignoring scientific advice, or championing bad advice, a late lockdown, which was policed badly, and not taken as seriously as other countries (think Spain or Italy). Boris Johnson supposedly caught it and was hospitalised, and then his chief aide (read puppeteer) went on a 260 mile each way round trip with his family. Twice. With a side trip to Barnard Castle. As an eye test. To see if he could drive the 260 miles. During a period where he should clearly have been self-isolating as he would have clearly had contact with Covid-19, at least up to his elbow.
Since day one Donald “screaming scotch egg” Trump has been spouting nonsense, berating governors of democrat states for being in lockdown, then telling people to inject bleach or disinfectant. A crowning glory closely followed by saying he was taking malaria tablets against the FDA’s advice.
Suddenly it’s come out of the woodwork that Russia has an enormous amount of Covid-19 cases, with a suspiciously low death rate (ten per cent of the UK’s), after weeks of Vladimir Putin denying there was any problem with the virus at all.
Meanwhile, now that three of the countries with the biggest imbeciles in charge have the highest infection rates, and mounting death tolls, China, where it all started (and not necessarily naturally) is ramping up its war machine. It has warships out in the South China and Yellow Seas threatening Taiwan (and others), an army lined up to go in and crack down on Hong Kong for not wanting to accept a non-democratically elected stooge, and engineers out building islands in the middle of the aforementioned seas so it can steal the oil, gas and fishing rights from other countries, especially Vietnam. All of which is flying under the radar because we, the US and Russia are all acting like Covid-19 headless chickens.
And if that wasn’t enough..
I was prompted to write this after seeing the Sky News headline:
“Monkeys escape with Covid-19 samples after attacking lab assistant.”
They talk about life imitating art, but surely no one expects to see headlines straight out of a Planet of the Apes film. It turns out the story wasn’t as bad as the headline; they were samples to be tested for Covid-19 and not phials of the disease itself. Well, not this time anyway. Although it does beg the question of what were the monkeys doing in the lab where they were doing the testing on Covid-19 checking kits.
Incidents in the US, especially the killing of George Floyd whilst in police “custody” has led to mass demonstrations and protests. From its epicentre in Minnesota it has spread through the US and to other countries under the long established tag of “Black Lives Matter”.
The demonstrations have led to rioting and looting, most of which has certainly been caused by outside agitators trying to enflame the situation. Curfews have been established and chief idiot Trump wants to call in the army. Something that would have been more appropriate when a gun-toting collection of rednecks rampaged to the Michigan state capitol building demanding to be free from the (Democrat) governor’s lock down order. But of course they were white racists who vote for him, so why would he do anything but egg them on via Twitter.
He then got Washington DC police to tear gas protestors and aid workers to remove them from his path between the White House and St. John’s church. All so he could stand on its steps with a bible in his hand for a photo opportunity.
Amongst the madness, countless whites have been seen looting as if they were living the script from the film The Purge, V for Vendetta is back as the hackers Anonymous returned after almost four years in anonymity to leak dozen of documents relating to Jeffrey Epstein’s case and court documents linking it to Trump. Jumanji has joined in as pictures emerged of a hippopotamus running wild on the streets of Chicago. The title of the film that I’ve used for this blog is nowhere near as mad as the world is now.
And all through these protests, everyone has lost their minds when it comes to thinking about Covid-19 and the social distancing element, so we should fully expect another spike to be incoming.
We aren’t any better in this country. There were demonstrations for Black Lives Matter, but smaller and less violent, and to be fair less crowded than the country’s beaches and beauty spots this last weekend. With an easing of lock down rules people have completely lost the plot (not that a great deal of them had it in the first place).
Social distancing is non-existent, and these morons don’t think about when they go hundreds of miles to the beach that as public buildings, bars, restaurants and cafes are closed, that there are no public toilets; and so they are peeing and defecating all over the shop. And then they go home, leaving all their rubbish behind them. All those bags, cans, containers and wrapping that they managed to bring with them is left strewn all over the beaches and countryside because they are too stupid or lazy to take it away with them, or find a bin for it.
Then there are the disposable barbeques. With the driest May in history, discarded coals are causing fires when left on the tinder dry grass and scrub land they have been using. Or they throw it over a wall thinking it won’t be seen (as seen at Bramber Castle), and it burns whatever is behind the wall.
It may be harsh, but I do think that perhaps Covid-19 needs to up its game a bit and kill more of these halfwits off.
As it stands all that is missing now is an Alien invasion. Although I am hearing that the ship landing is probably booked in for some time next week. Even if Aliens did invade, it would have to be better than what we’ve got at the moment. And if they’re only here for testing, take Trump, Johnson, Putin and Jinping and do us all a favour.
But at least we can get toilet roll again.