And there it was, snow. It eventually settled, quickly became slippery and then almost vanished, only for it to try again and the cycle repeat for a few days. And even with the small amount of snow, not even an inch-thick layer, people lost their tiny little minds again. Forbid they ever live anywhere that has proper snow where it falls a foot at a time. I’m assuming the milkman must have got embedded in a three-inch drift in a cul-de-sac as to why they didn’t turn up on Tuesday.
We had managed to get out for a walk on Saturday before the white stuff arrived. It ended up being a bit of a beast and we were out for over three hours. Full details are at the link below.
My poor little fatbit didn’t know what had hit it, going off at regular intervals for reaching the daily 10k steps target, and then for reaching 20k and 25k in a day for the first time.
And I managed to write up an old walk around Broadfield as well.
Sniffles is finding it tough going at the moment. He obviously feels that he now needs to do the work of three pets. He’s got the additional vocal output and food fussiness of his sister down to a tee and is trying to bring in that touch of skittishness. He also has the investigate every corner of the house and getting stuck from being nosey schtick going from the dog, the only bit he isn’t now covering is the racist barking at passers-by.
He has caused me to jump a couple of times recently as he’s suddenly appeared out of spaces that make me wonder how he got in there in the first place. Plus, he’s now taken up a new hobby of positioning himself in my seat at every opportunity. If I nip to the kitchen to get a drink, or go to the toilet, the cheeky little sod is curled up pretending to be asleep in it by the time I get back. Even those times when I’m sure he’s outside.
And speaking of outside, it is always amusing when he whines at the door to go out, only for the door to be opened to the poor weather – howling winds, torrential rain, mini snow blizzard – and him to decide that perhaps it isn’t so urgent to go out. But only after trotting to the other side of the house, as surely the weather is going to be better there.
For the third time this year unexpected water in a dry area led to the emergency plumber being called out (no claims bonus will be right out of the window). This time the waste pipe from the sink in the bathroom decided it had had enough of being connected to the main cast iron waste pipe and had snapped off, and so using the sink would end up with water on the floor in the corner of the bathroom. It was fixed the next day, but it is surprising just how much of an automatic reaction it is to use the sink after going to the toilet.
Sunday was Superbowl LV, an annual watching tradition, back at home this year, with lockdown considerations, and the fact that the 49ers got nowhere near this time around. And no need to book annual leave for the day after as its now a non-working day Mondays. It went the way I wanted it to, so with the first Tottenham win since Cinch starting sponsoring (well, jinxing) them, it was a good day.
Tuesdays are turning out to be horrendous again. It seems to be meeting day, eight Skype or Teams meetings during the day makes me dread Tuesdays as much now as I did back in the day of networks timesheets and Tuesday being JIB day. Being so full of calls it does take some of the joy of the writing group in the evening away, as I can do without another hour and a half on the phone. Although it was the last week of that for a while.
As it has several times over the last few months, the term “Naga” was trending in the UK on Twitter. Every time it does, I click on the item in the hope that it will be some hot chilli related shenanigans, only to find it’s another boring rehash of comments about (or from) a presenter on TV. Just for once, why can’t it be something different and interesting? For example, “Man blames him being found naked in the middle of a field of cabbages on the hallucinogenic effect of him eating too many naga chillies in a chilli eating contest”; or “Woman still hasn’t regained her sight after contest to crush as many naga chillies as possible into her eyes in a minute. It’s been a week now she said, it’s normally worn off after three days or so.”