Last week was a bit of a culture shock after 18 days off, it was back to work. The National Lottery e-mails have been conspicuous by their absence. We did go out for a walk on our last day of freedom, and easy amble up to Tilgate Park and a lap around the lake. Lots of people had the same idea despite the dull day, and the car parks were all full. They have finished their work around the lake, and although being a couple of feet lower down than it used to be, they was no wire fences hiding the blue plaque to Donald Campbell.

I eased into the week with working from home on the Tuesday, spending all day catching up on rubbish e-mails, including morons chasing for answers before I’m even back in. FFS people, read the fucking out of office. Thursday morning was frosty. A deep deep frost. Even after using a few bottles of lukewarm water the windscreen still needed the ice scraper being busted out. But with a clear sky, the colours on the horizon as I drove down to Hove were glorious. But by the time I was heading home the rain had returned, and it hasn’t let up much since.
To celebrate surviving the first week (yes, even if it was only a three-day week), we went out for a meal Thursday night to the Royal Thai Taste. It was a nice meal, but when the bill turned up, I was somewhat shocked to read their address, especially where it said after the word Crawley – LONDON. They whipped that away before I could keep it or take a photo of it, but seriously people, there’s a whole fucking county between Crawley and London.
We had been to Ikea over the holidays before New Year and ordered a new mattress and headboard as Christmas presents to ourselves. They delivered early on Friday morning. The mattress was a lot heavier than we thought it would be, and it was a struggle to get it up the stairs, and around the corner into the bedroom, having to stop on each step, and also to take some of the framed maps down before the mattress knocked them down. Then I managed to make a pig’s ear of putting them back up, managing to slip and slice the side of my right thumb open. That would make it awkward to do a lot of things all weekend.
Having got the new mattress (and some new pillows) it makes me realise just how shot the old mattress had got and how uncomfortable it had become. Getting out of bed is going to be a lot harder now the bed is so comfortable.
The rain stopped long enough for us to get a six mile walk in Friday afternoon. Even the concrete paths were muddy with all the rain. We had been back in less than five minutes before it became torrential out there again. It was still raining, persistently, when I went to writing group on Saturday morning, and still when I came out nearly four hours later. I needed to get a few bits in town, but it was like paddling in the sea. The whole town centre was a puddle. The grass in the memorial park was looking like paddy fields.
After coming out of Poundland (where I went a bit mad on their replay CDs – just the 27 of them) there was a break in the rain, which I celebrated by getting an ice cream. As I passed County Mall, I got the impression that they aren’t really Mr Current Affairs, declaring that if you need easy parking use their car park as it gives direct entry to Debenhams. Which has been closed for going on six months.

Crawley were away, to Northampton Town, who were second in the league, but their better form carried on and we got a somewhat surprise away win and headed into the top half of the table.
We had a tip slot booked this morning, to get rid of the old mattress. It’s certainly a lot easier getting an older, lighter mattress downstairs than dragging a heavy new one up them. We even managed to get it folded up into the back of the car and dump a load of other stuff on top. It almost jumped out of the car by itself when it came to taking it out at the tip. Shopping followed and some radio listening at home, but it brought a couple of stupid random thoughts to mind.
Why would anyone use poo to wash their hair? Especially when it is sham poo, it’s not even as if it’s real poo is it?
Then Simon Mayo was on, but I really do think it is time that he was upgraded to become Simon Salad Cream instead.
And now I’m watching the last games of the NFL regular season. The 49ers need to win to guarantee playoff action. Or the Saints to lose. It isn’t going well in the first half; we are playing like a group of uncoordinated school children. If this carries on, then the only way we are going to have a chance to win would be to return to school children’s rules. Get to the end of the game and say, “next score wins.” Plus, the Saints are easily winning. To be fair playing like this we don’t deserve to reach the playoffs and if by some miracle we did there is a thrashing awaiting.
PS, the miracle may well be on, they appear to be a different team in the second half.